It’s not just a massage

The Teva Method is body work strategically targeted to address muscular skeletal pain caused by repetitive stress disorder, injuries, and muscular imbalances. Unlike traditional massage therapy, Teva Massage aims to discover, address, and reverse these sources of pain rather than provide temporary relief.



You and Teva Massage will work as a team. 

The session begins with a physical and manual assessment to reduce any guesswork regarding the source of the problem.



Teva Massage harnesses the healing powers of manual therapy techniques such as Orthopedic, Sports, and Thai massage.


Active Recovery

To conclude your session, Teva Massage will review findings collected during the assessment and treatment phase. We will discuss what treatment protocol will look like going forward including the plan to re-train your improper movements and/or alignment to reach your goals. 



Based on the outcome of the initial session, we will decide what would be the most suitable treatment plan to address and eliminate the issue.