Teva Massage is body work strategically targeted to address areas affected by imbalance.

Every day, we make demands from our body - bending over to pick up a child, putting away the dishes, sitting at a desk, training for a marathon. Our movements are composed of millions of muscular and skeletal choices. We make the decision on how to hold our head…. If our back is straight or slouching… and how best to make contact with the ground when running. 

Most of the time, we do our best to move properly, however, during the variable demands of daily life, sometimes we cut corners and compromise form. Over time, these potentially compromising movements lead to misalignments and structural body imbalances. Without any corrections, we end up replicating patterned behavior for decades.  Then, we have pain. 

Teva Massage aims to reverse decades of improper movement and provide long term solutions rather than temporary relief.

Each session will assess, address and provide a protocol for at-home care. Your body is worth investing in. Teva Massage is your mobility’s future.